Welcome to my multi-language blog! I hope you find it interesting. Currently I am learning French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Mandarin to a greater or lesser degree depending on freetime and the level of my motivation. Thanks to some nice friends I can keep this motivation high enough to keep progressing. Please leave some comments if you like. Don't forget to visit my chatroom at Paltalk.com "AlanLancs1 language chatroom" in the "learning and universities" category - see you there!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thankyou to all podcast listeners and blog readers

Hello everybody,

I would like to thank those people who have listened to my podcasts and read my blog over the past year. It's fantastic for me to know that people like what I have prepared and discussed. I am not a teacher - but as a language student (although quite old now...lol) I can understand the difficulties faced when learning languages and so, maybe I could consider myself a sort of friendly language guide.

Please let me know any subjects about English life, culture and language you might be interested to know more about and I'll see what I can do in 2008!

One thing I can tell you is that next year the city of Liverpool is to be the "city of culture 2008" which is exciting - and after all, this is the home of "The Beatles" - one of my favourite bands.

Next year I am planning a new podcast site for some guitar-based songs I am recording. I hope you like them.

I hope next year you can all realise your ambitions and dreams. In 2008 I would like to improve my Spanish, Dutch and Mandarin Chinese - I hope I can do this.

So to each and everyone of you, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Lancashire, England.

Vielen Dank, merci bien, gracias, obrigado, spasibo, xie xie .......

Here's a website about my region of England: www.pendle.net

Many thanks once again

Bye for now


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