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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reading text at two speeds Jan 8th

ulian Beever's Inspired Pavement Drawings
Ken Wilson, UK
Julian Beever is an English chalk artist, who has been creating anamorphic pavement art since the mid-1990s. Anamorphic pictures are designed so that they appear to be three dimensional from certain angles. The drawings must be seen from one particular angle. If the viewer moves from the position, the illusion is lost and the drawing becomes an unrecognizable distortion.
Julian also paints murals and is famous for his replicas of well-known works of art. He has worked in the UK, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, the USA and Australia. He has been called "the Pavement Picasso," because the importance of three dimensionality in his work is reminiscent of Picasso in his Cubist period.
This material was spotted by Ken Wilson, a teacher trainer and ELT materials writer, with more than 20 titles to his name. He writes both coursebook and supplementary material and his recent course material includes a Senior High course for China. He also wrote a book to accompany Channel 4 TV's first-ever ELT soap series. He was artistic director of the English Teaching Theatre until 2002


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